version: 36 jobs: - name: Production Deployment steps: - !CheckoutStep name: Checkout Code cloneCredential: !DefaultCredential {} withLfs: false withSubmodules: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL - !CommandStep name: Deploy to SEELF runInContainer: true image: ubuntu:latest interpreter: !DefaultInterpreter commands: | curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer @secret:SEELF_API_KEY@" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"environment\":\"production\",\"git\":{ \"branch\": \"@ref@\" } }" useTTY: true condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL triggers: - !BranchUpdateTrigger branches: main projects: michael/website retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 timeout: 14400 - name: Staging Deployment steps: - !CheckoutStep name: Checkout Code cloneCredential: !DefaultCredential {} withLfs: false withSubmodules: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL - !CommandStep name: Deploy to SEELF runInContainer: true image: ubuntu:latest interpreter: !DefaultInterpreter commands: | curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer @secret:SEELF_API_KEY@" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"environment\":\"staging\",\"git\":{ \"branch\": \"@ref@\" } }" useTTY: true condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL triggers: - !BranchUpdateTrigger branches: staging projects: michael/website retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 timeout: 14400