import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content' const blog = defineCollection({ type: 'content', schema: ({ image }) => z.object({ title: z .string() .max( 60, 'Title should be 60 characters or less for optimal Open Graph display.', ), description: z .string() .max( 155, 'Description should be 155 characters or less for optimal Open Graph display.', ), date:, image: image() .refine((img) => img.width === 1200 && img.height === 630, { message: 'The image must be exactly 1200px × 630px for Open Graph requirements.', }) .optional(), tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(), authors: z.array(z.string()).optional(), draft: z.boolean().optional(), }), }) const authors = defineCollection({ type: 'content', schema: z.object({ name: z.string(), pronouns: z.string().optional(), avatar: z.string().url(), bio: z.string().optional(), mail: z.string().email().optional(), website: z.string().url().optional(), twitter: z.string().url().optional(), github: z.string().url().optional(), linkedin: z.string().url().optional(), discord: z.string().url().optional(), }), }) const projects = defineCollection({ type: 'content', schema: ({ image }) => z.object({ name: z.string(), description: z.string(), tags: z.array(z.string()), image: image().refine((img) => img.width === 1200 && img.height === 630, { message: 'The image must be exactly 1200px × 630px for Open Graph requirements.', }), link: z.string().url(), }), }) export const collections = { blog, authors, projects }